Japanese whestones are tried-and-tested tools for keeping your knives sharp. These humble stone slabs are a must-have tool for any …
Survival situations aren’t always easy nor are they always kind. One day, you could be cruising down the highway, blasting …
Say you have the essentials to get you through a crisis: a fully-stocked food and medicine supply; the finest survival …
Making do with next to nothing seems like an impossible task. Yet homeless people are able to survive and sometimes …
Any prepper worth his salt knows that you should have emergency supplies stocked in at least three key areas: your …
The best way to get out of any bad situation is to avoid it in the first place. This is …
Even if you know how to build a fire or hunt for game in a survival scenario, it won’t mean …
Apple cider vinegar isn’t just a trend: It’s a prepping essential. There are many uses for apple cider vinegar in …
Mention the phrase “survival food” and you’ll most likely think of foods sealed in #10 cans. Those are good and …
Water is a necessity, plain and simple. Human beings can’t go for more than three days without it. Unfortunately, water …