Friday, March 27, 2020 by Janine Acero
Many prepping communities typically consist of more men than women, and the “masculine” way of preparedness is usually the dominant one – the militaristic, “kill or be killed” mindset. However, the “feminine” mindset of preparedness may be better for long-term survival. (h/t to Survivopedia.com)
The prepping lifestyle benefits men, women and children of any age. When it comes to preparing for a variety of situations, whether it be a harsh winter, a natural disaster, or an economic collapse, a common trait among women preppers is that when something needs to get done, they get it done.
Female preppers often primarily focus on daily necessities like cleaning, cooking and basic hygiene. This was especially the case in the pioneer days, where women tended to the homestead and the children, and even helped their husbands in the fields.
Pioneer women also provided medical care, grew vegetable gardens to sustain the family’s diet, and made things from scratch, like butter, candles, soap and clothing.
During the Great Depression, women and their families were forced to live with very little, and so aside from making their own clothes, linens, soap, bread and home remedies, they learned to use a hammer and saw and repair what needed repairing on the homestead.
They were also in charge of budgeting the family’s finances and reducing their waste as much as possible. Old clothes were cut to make rags or quilts; containers, jars and boxes were all reused or repurposed into something else. They learned and taught how to live a self-sufficient life in times of crisis.
These tasks may seem mundane at first glance, but all these chores require mental and physical strength. Women in the pioneer days and the Great Depression were exceptionally tough and made sure their families and communities survived and thrived during some of the hardest days of their lives.
Feminine health and hygiene are an everyday matter that will be much more important in a survival situation. As a female prepper, consider the following:
When SHTF, the one thing that will be truly important is the ability to look out for yourself. When things go south, there is no guarantee that you can rely on anyone, man or woman, to survive the ordeal. Therefore, it pays to learn how to survive on your own.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, Female preppers, feminine health, feminine hygiene, mental exercises, mindfulness, off grid, preparedness, prepping, SHTF, stockpiling, supplies, survival